Sunday, April 27, 2014

Week 4/21-4/27

Monday: Off
Tuesday: 4.51 miles, 8:54 pace
Wednesday: 3ish miles, 9:03 pace
Thursday: 3ish miles, 8:39 pace (maybe? Garmin didn't pick up for a while)
Friday: Off
Saturday: 6.01 miles, 9:14 pace
Sunday: 3.21 trail miles, 11:05 pace

Total miles run: 19.73

Yay for 5 days of running! I'm pretty happy with how this week turned out. On Wednesday I experimented with running from work. It was good, but lots of pedestrian traffic leaving the university/hospital area and then lots of car traffic getting to the canal. Meh. I wasn't totally sold. Might prefer driving to the Y, then running to the Monon.

Thursday was another group run, and an opportunity for Scott to try out these Hoka shoes at the Runners Forum as a possible way to alleviate some of the discomfort he experiences from chemo side effects. And they seem to help! I am happy for anything that further helps more of us running together. Sharing a love of running with a partner is something I really am thankful for.

Saturday was return of the 'long' run for my weekly routine. Though mentally challenging, every time I do a long run I am reminded exactly why I love running. It took a mile to warm up and another 2 to really get into a great rhythm, but damn when you find it. I was propositioned to buy some potato chips on 16th street 'for my run' - I declined, but maybe if I transition into ultras I'll consider it.

Today we did some trail running at Fort Ben. I really really liked these trails. They reminded me texture-wise of the river trails in Lawrence, but they spanned a much wider area. The scenery was awesome and interesting, the trail was gentle but undulating. I definitely want to go back for more. Also the colonial style town surrounding it made me feel like I was in the The Village, so there's that.

Other thoughts on running: this week I kind of felt like I was maybe eating more than normal - I went out to lunch twice at work, then we had Mellow Mushroom one night.... and Scott makes me lots of breakfast in the mornings.... I was kind of stressing. But I weighed myself today and it is the same as last Monday so my worrying was for naught. So maybe I am getting better at just listening to hunger signals with respect to increasing my running? I dunno. Still not totally able to shake off worrying about this kind of stuff. I definitely feel pretty tired today as this is the first week I've run 5 days, and just about hit 20 miles for the week.... I'm happy with that. I want to keep that up. So I'm just going to try to keep in mind to eat as a means to fuel running and eat good stuff. Ok.

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