Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Monon Tuesdays

After an accidental break from running (thank stomach for choosing not to work last week!) I joined the team for their Tuesday night workout on the Monon. It actually felt really good and I found that I was slightly faster than the triathlon women (how far were they going? probably farther than me? who cares). My left hamstring felt all tight when I finished and my whole body was sore today.

I started work, which is conveniently located near the canal downtown. I have plans to run to that and around the loop today.

I missed watching Boston since that was my first day at work, but per usual that gets me all excited about running. More miles, more miles.


  1. Congrats on the new gig, and proximity to good running ground.

    And I too had to work during Boston, but that didn't stop me from watching. Not my most productive morning...

    1. Thanks! Indy definitely has a lot of nice urban places to run. And if it weren't my first day... I so would've been finding a way to watch, twitter had to suffice.
