Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mini-training week 1

First week back to training was surprisingly smooth! I did start to feel fatigue set in mid-week but I seem to be recovering pretty well.

Monday: 3 miles
Tuesday: 5 miles (1 WU, 8:59, 8:40, 8:30, 1 CD)
Wednesday: 3 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: rest
Saturday: 8 miles (9:43/mile)
Sunday: 4.25 miles, 1 hr ashtanga

Total miles run: 26.25

My long run on Saturday was a bit slow - the first and last miles were covered in ice so I had to do a lot of careful picking as to not crack my head open. The middle miles I was more around a 9:15-9:20 pace which is just fine with me. Getting back to 'fitness' is kind of a new feeling for me, but I know I just need to keep up the routine and I'll be back to my pace. 

In unrelated news I bit the bullet and got a tattoo on Saturday. My first. I'd been thinking it over for about a year so I figured I was pretty committed. It was done by a friend of a friend up at a shop in Muncie and I am very pleased with the whole process. Nerves got the best of me when we arrived at the shop and I realized it was actually going to happen, not to mention the fact that I was electively doing something painful. And painful it was. But bearable - not sure how else to describe it. Brief seconds of pain while the line was drawn followed by an equally brief break from the pain. I got it on my ribs, which is apparently a notoriously sensitive spot so I guess it is downhill from there!


A mouse. Related to my time working in a lab that directly used animals for research and how that cemented my choice to go vegan. For all the mice and laboratory animals still in cages. For all the farm animals with no freedom and painful lives. For all the animals used as entertainment or clothing against their will. Go vegan. Stay vegan. 


  1. What a beautiful tattoo ~ it's so original and brilliantly drawn as well. I can't think of a better tribute to the all of the animals still subject to the ill will of humanity. I just hope that perhaps one day the world will change, even if that change does sometimes seem painfully slow.

    Good for you for managing to run on the ice at all! I can't even string two strides together, let alone maintain a running pace. I think slowing down a bit is advisable anyway if you want to stay on your feet!

    1. Thank you very much! I gave it a lot of thought before going through with it and I am very pleased with how it turned out, as nervous as I was.

      And admittedly I was planning on turning around and cutting my run short but thankfully it opened up to a plowed area!
