Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Training update and recent revelations

I am FINALLY back to running. It seemed very touch and go there for a bit. I would run here and there, then get set back by a cold, then run again... then be stuck in bed...

And just as I was starting to get over the cold again I was struck down the day after returning from our Boston/NH New Year's trip. It probably didn't help that one day I ran in the slushy snowy rain around the city. I was basically bedridden for all of last week.

Anyways, with the assistance of doxycycline, I have prevailed! And just in time to kick off my 16-week training plan for the Mini-Marathon in May. The Mini is hailed as the nation's largest half-marathon (which may or may not be true) and is the culmination of the city's celebrations surrounding the Indy 500 race. I spectated it last year, and ran my first 10 miles in months if you remember, and am looking forward to racing it this year.

Official training began yesterday with 3 miles downtown from work. Scott advised me to start small since I'd been sick for so long - and that was fine with me. The mileage was fine, but the conditions were a mess. It was below freezing, ice was all over the sidewalks and the wind was raging. I took my 5 mile speed work to the treadmill today (1 mile WU, 9:00, 8:40, 8:30, 1 mile CD) and was pleased those were relatively comfortable miles.

Noticeably different to me was my experience on the treadmill. Not often am I running more than 4 miles indoors as that is about as long as I can keep my attention. But today I went in with the mindset of 'training' and the miles flew by. I was there to work. Not to work out. Not to keep a new year's resolution. Not to read a magazine and fuck around on the elliptical. Having one successful 'training period' under my belt has really bolstered my confidence. I've chosen a more intense training plan this go (volume-wise) but I don't have any of the fears I did last time. Mostly I'm just excited to see where I can go from here.

Another realization I came to was how different my attitude has been lately concerning my appearance. I've been reading Derek Jensen's The Culture of Make Believe and it really is putting dominant culture into perspective for me. It is much easier for me to reject beauty standards once I realize that they're a tool to keep us as insecure needy consumers. And are a means to further oppress women, to limit our role to being pretty objects for men. I felt empowered on the treadmill knowing I wasn't running to 'look good' or 'burn calories'. I was there to fucking run.

(Might've helped that I was listening to Sleater Kinney).

Oh! And I signed up for the ENTIRE Dino trail series. That is pretty much a trail 15K once a month starting in March. So yeah, 2015 is looking good!

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