Friday, February 13, 2015

Going ons in the little white house

Life lately in the little white house is good. I've been happy to be away from facebook and instagram (for almost one whole week, gasp!) - it's been a really nice way to quiet all the 'noise'. Even if most people do so in jest, there is a lot of negativity and complaining happening online.

In lieu of carving out a life that is separate from what dominant culture dictates, Scott and I have been implementing more self-sustainable practices into daily life. For me this has been focusing on the difference between 'want' and 'need', particularly when it comes to clothes. Excess in our culture is so apparent in our attitude towards clothing. I know personally I've almost come to treat things as 'disposable' after a year of wear, what with the constantly changing trends and decline in garment quality. Though I've always donated my unwanted clothing to places like Goodwill, it really doesn't sit well with me - the constant turnover, constant purchasing...not to mention that they come from sweatshops. So I've resolved to shop thrift or consignment as much as possible. This is already working in my favor - I found a bunch of great things for incredibly cheap at the first shop I went to. I'm also really set on taking up sewing...

Scott has taken to turning our backyard into a vegetable garden. I can take no credit for this as I've only watched him work out in the cold from the comforts of the house. I have been putting all my banana peels in the compost... that counts right?


I picked up a new pair of running shoes yesterday (I realize that this completely contradicts what I am trying to do in the previous paragraphs - I am a hypocrite, yes) and I am in love. They are NOT neon. Who knew you could find that. Oh and they feel great, but I haven't had a proper run in them yet. I was actually disappointed in the Kinvaras I just wore out - they fit great, but the durability of them was pretty poor. I went with Adidas Adios Boosts. And they were on sale.


Tomorrow we head down to Brown County for some trail running, good thing since my trail series starts in one month! We also get to celebrate Valentine's Day with a fancy four course vegan dinner our friend's restaurant is putting on. No complaints here.

Now I'm off to curl up in bed with the cats and watch The Fall on netflix as this week has been ridiculously busy at work and I can't wait to turn off my brain.


  1. I've got about 1500 miles on my Boosts, and the foam just refuses to collapse, or even show any real signs of wear. So if nothing else, it could be a while before you need to buy another pair. (Especially compared to the Kinvara, which also has much less outsole rubber.)

    1. That is great to hear. I was very disappointed to have to replace my shoes after six months, though Scott (who replaces shoes every 500 miles) told me that's how it is. I refuse to believe it!
